Bay City Animal Hospital

North Bay Vet Emergency, Veterinary Chiropractic and Animal Hospital

Pet Dentistry

Bay City Animal Hospital has provided specialized dental care for pets of all shapes and sizes for many years. From routine preventive care to early detection and treatment of disease, our facility is designed to deliver quality care for your pet. Using state-of-the-art dental equipment and technology, we ensure that your pet’s heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure are accurately being monitored during the dental procedure.

Why should my dog get their teeth cleaned?

Much like humans, dogs can develop gum and mouth disease. You can avoid health complications by bringing your pet to Bay City Animal Hospital today. Regular checkups will help prevent your dog from developing potentially dangerous oral diseases, as well as keep their teeth shining and white and their breath fresh.

How do I know if my cat or dog has dental problems?

Bad or unusual breath is one of the first signs that your dog or cat has a dental problem. Red or swollen gums or discoloration on the teeth’s surface are also signs that you should seek dental care for your dog or cat.

Can I brush my dog’s teeth at home?

Yes. Complications with heart valves, the liver, and the kidneys are secondary to dental problems. You can help to avoid these problems and complications by routinely brushing your dog’s teeth. We encourage you to brush your dog’s teeth as much as you can, if possible on a daily basis.

Does my pet need to go under anesthesia?

Yes, serious procedures, such as trimming your rabbit’s incisors, require anesthesia to ensure that no stress, pain, or discomfort is caused to your pet during the dental procedure. Being pet lovers ourselves, we understand how scary it can be for your pet to be under anesthesia, but by using anesthesia, our certified veterinary anesthesiologists are able to treat your animal companion in a shorter time.